
In Loucas Optical Gallery we offer a wide range of branded sunglasses which with the help of our experienced stylist staff you will choose the best combination for your needs and budget.

Sunglasses protect your eyes by acting as a barrier that reflects UV rays. Sunglasses are the equivalent of sunscreen for your eyes. Aside from being a beach accessory, they protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful light rays. Experts recommend that your shades protect your eyes from at least 99% of UV rays.

As you can see, the sun’s rays can penetrate through different areas of your eyeball. UVA rays can reach all the way to the retina in the back of your eye, while UVB rays reach the cornea in the front of the eye. Sunglasses prevent these rays from penetrating your eye, saving you from potential damage or vision loss.

Some of the Brands we have in store: